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My Heroes {Day 15: People I Admire}

by - 9:00 PM

This post is dedicated to just a few of the people I admire.

  1. Corrie Ten Boom. She had such courage; such faith. I admire her so much. She was so ready to forgive, even in the face of all she'd gone through in the concentration camps. She is my role model, and an example of what it truly means to love and forgive.
  2. C.S. Lewis. He's the writer of my favorite series, but he's so much more. He was a devoted Christian; a child of God; and a man who truly followed Jesus. He's my role model (as far as his heart for God). I want to write like him someday.
  3. Owl City. I admire the way he's able to take pictures, sing, and write lyrics. The way he's able to make a song speak to me, whether it's about Jesus or Seattle. And the way he gives credit to God alone, letting Jesus' light shine through him.
  4. My dad. I admire him in so many ways. His wisdom; his heart for God; the way he talks to me on my level in a way no one else can. I admire his strength, and the way he has hope in the face of difficulty. I admire the way he can talk to God about anything and everything; and the fearless trust he has in God. I admire the fact that he has sacrificed so much to raise me in the ways of God, and that I am so important to him that he would die for me. I admire the way he is courageous and ready to die for his faith, no matter what may come. And I admire his heart; the way he is brave and strong. I love you, Daddy.
  5. Jesus. You're my ultimate role model, and I love you. Thank you for giving your all so I could have You. 
Blog readers, I'd like to introduce you to these five people. They are my heroes.

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