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I'll be out of my mind... how about now? {Day 8: A Thank You Letter...Or Two}

by - 9:19 PM

(Note: I am exhausted and NOT in the mood to do this blogpost at all. Hence the randomness.)

Dear Owl City,

You've taught me the importance of cold hot air balloons. You've taught me about fireflies and vanilla twilight. You made me want to visit Seattle and the Saltwater Room. And you reminded me that my hope lies in Christ alone.

Thank you for making such great music.

Yours truly,
-A Fan

Whoa, whoa. Stop. That was a cute blog post. But did Owl City really change my life?

Not to the magnitude that Someone else did.

Let's change this around.

Dear Jesus,

You've taught me the importance of love. You've taught me about learning, loving, and grace. You've made me want to follow You all of my days and fall deeper in love with You each day. And You've reminded me that my hope lies in You alone. The fact that YOU, the maker of the universe, loves me and holds me in the palm of your hand, still blows me away. The fact you hold every tear that falls and every prayer that's prayed boggles my mind. And the fact that you became human and cry with my pain makes my heart melt. 

Thanks for making me and molding me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for walking with me. You won't regret it. And I will never, ever, ever, for a minute, ever regret loving you.

Yours forever,
-Your beloved

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  1. Ahhh. You like Owl City too? Heard Peppermint Winter yet?

    The second thank-you note was beautiful. So true. Well said.
