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"We Are Robin Hood!" {Day 4: A Favorite Show}

by - 11:50 AM

L-R: Much, Little John, Robin, Allan, Djaq, Will
It's probably kind of obvious to everyone what this post is going to end up being about - especially since I've already written about it, one of my many fandoms. But will I let that stop me?

A clue: no.

Robin Hood

This is probably all my Pip's fault. She's a diehard Robin Hood fanatic, and when the BBC show came out on Netflix, she just HAD to watch it. And since we talk about our latest fandoms quite a lot, I ended up hearing ALL about this mysterious show called Robin Hood.

By the time I actually got around to watching it for myself, I already knew all of the characters by name, and a lot of the plot twists. So I was already a Hoodie - I just didn't know it yet.

To quote my previous post about this amazing show -

Nevertheless, for one reason or another, it was still took a couple months before I watched the first episode on July 27th, 2009 (I remember the date because that's when Pip & Ebee came to visit). Sadly, Ebee's computer shut down three-quarters of the way through, and we didn't get to watch the end. (Talk about a cliffhanger.)

Believe it or not, it wasn't until a year later that I finally got the urge to watch the first episode again. And after that, there was no going back. I was hooded... er, hooked. I got my brother into it as well, and together we spent the summer watching Seasons 1 & 2 (my personal favorites). Season 3 is something I prefer to block out of my memory, but 6 months and two fanfics later, I am still a Hoodie.

I enjoy the show because it satisfies my inner fantasy geek in bite-sized portions, yet is much longer and more interesting than a movie. Clear as mud? I thought so.
(source: www.robinhood2006.com)

There are so many more reasons why I love this show. I've always loved medievalish type stories, and this was no exception. And since I'm a history geek, this show appealed to me even more (it's not really historically correct, but I think it's an interesting blend of modern and ye good olde Robin Hood days). The characters are so endearing too. I love Allan A Dale's roguish personality, Will's quiet and sweet demeanor, Marian's bravery, Much's humor, Little John's strength, Djaq's ability to fight, and Robin's courageous effort to save his town from an Evil Sheriff. Carter is also my favorite side-character ever, and the villains of the show are positively evil. The plots are equally packed with action and romance, and while the BBC writers dive bombed with season 3, that kind of grew on me too. I also LOVE Marian's outfits... <3

As of today, I love sharing my love of Robin Hood to other people. I told my dear friend Wren about it, who in turn introduced the show to her best friend. In addition, my good friend Hannah Grace has been watching them as well, partly due to the influence of Pip & Ebee, who also got their friend, Fin, started on it. It was also a pleasant surprise to find out that my long-time blogging friend Lia was a Hoodie too. The love of Robin Hood goes far and wide, especially when I'm around.

...Have I converted you too?

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  1. That looks really good! I'll have to try watching it sometime!

  2. We are Robin Hood!!! I knew I'd love this post as soon as I saw the title. :-D I don't think I can fully call myself a Hoodie, I've ONLY watched the first two seasons, made graphics, dreamed about running through Sherwood forest, and started a fanfiction. ;-)

    Oh, and Carter is one of my favourite side characters too. <3


  3. I was so excited when ya joined the gang of hoodies. Welcome aboard Will. I'll have to see what I can do about that Robin Hood t-shirt. ;)

  4. It was the same way with me! Another blogging friend, Earwen, told me all about it via Facebook anf told me that if I even liked Robin Hood I needed to watch it.

    So after many months of putting it off until later, I watched it. And instantly became a Hoodie. :)

    Carter. Oh, Carter. I LOVED his character. I knew that {SPOILER} Marian died, but had no idea about Carter. I was crying when he died, but not when Marian did. :P

    I also liked La Grand's character. :P

    Love & Hugs, NW sister,
