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My Guilty Pleasure(s) - {Day 13}

by - 8:23 PM

Oh, I can totally write this.
What's my guilty pleasure?

These things.

Potato chips, tortilla chips, French chips... (I'm pretty sure that the last one is actually considered a French fry. ;) You name it, I love it. It's the one junk food I still eat and LOVE. I love the way they crunch between my teeth, the way some of them melt in my mouth, and all the saltiness. It makes my day when I pick up a chip loaded with salt. There are only a few of them in each bag, but it's worth eating a whole bag in order to get to that one chip.

Wow. I sound crazy. But just get a bag of chips, and you'll realize what I'm talking about. 

My favorite kind of tortilla chips are the ones with lime on them. We have tortilla chips more often than potato ones, and I rely on them to satisfy my crunchy needs. They usually do, but when we do have potato chips, it's still amazing. 

This is another guilty pleasure. Chocolate. But not just any chocolate. It has to be DARK chocolate.

I hated dark chocolate until my dad started getting it on a regular basis. He would give me and my siblings a couple squares at a time, and I was finally converted to the taste. Now I can never go back to milk chocolate.

The only milk chocolate exception I have is Reese's Pieces butter cups. Those are pieces of heaven - can I have an amen? ;) I even like dipping my dark chocolate into peanut butter to make it taste like one.

Okay, now if you'll excuse me, I am now hungry. I need to go raid the chocolate stash. :)

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  1. I am so with you on the dark chocolate-milk chocolate thing! I LOVE dark chocolate, not so much milk chocolate.

    And POTATO CHIPS! Don't even get me started on those... I could eat like 5 bags in one sitting. Yum. :)

  2. Three cheers for dark chocolate! The only kind of chocolate I like too. ;) We're cool like that.
