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Script Frenzy

by - 9:06 PM

Many of you know that I did NaNoWriMo last year. If you didn't know that, click here to read the epic tale of how I managed to write 50,000 words in 30 days without even meaning to.

Well, some of you might know that NaNo has another event called Script Frenzy. And I am seriously thinking of participating.

*insert panicked scream here*

Why am I panicking, you ask? Because I've never even written a movie script. Now, my Pip tells me it shouldn't be too hard. So we'll see. My instinct is to go stock up on writing-script-books, but I don't want to overreact.

Oh. I'm overreacting already, aren't I?

Anyway, my Pip - known to some of you as Georgie Penn @ Before My Penn Has Gleaned - and I are going to write a script together. It's an epic tale about a marooned pirate, and it should be really fun. ...If we can get our plot together in time.

Hahahaha. Ha. Ha.

We've been planning this story for a couple years, though, so we can't go too wrong.

Hahahaha. Ha. Ha.

Oh well, I thrive on half-written plots! So we'll see where this goes. Are you planning to do Script Frenzy? If so, add me on your buddy list and let me know who you are - I'm ScarlettGamgee on both that site and the NaNo one. I'd love to hear from all of you crazy writers! ;)

And if you want some free [virtual] strawberries and dark chocolate, well... you know where to go - Ashen Sky Life. We keep giving away virtual stuff, every new episode of the Ashen Sky Life typecast. AND! We're having a Q&A, so if there's something you always wondered about me, well now is the time to ask it.


And I'm working on the answers to all of your questions about Avary... you guys asked a lot more questions than I anticipated, so thank you!! It's probably going to end up turning into a blog post, so keep your eyes out for that.

In the meantime, Pip and I have to figure out how to make our script all come together. Wish us luck... we're gonna need it! 

Pip: Yeah, I've actually been thinking about it, and I came up with something cool that totally would have cleared things up and made it awesome, but that was like, two weeks ago, and I don't remember what it is.

Me: Man.

Pip: Ha, that's all you have to say? I was expecting like, a lecture on writing my ideas down, or an attempt to pump my brain into remembering, or something more than just "man." That one little word is kind of cracking me up right now.
It's gonna be an interesting month. ;)

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  1. Uh, yeah. It's gonna be REALLY interesting if we're both as brain dead the entire month as we were tonight. We could get an epic script though. ;)

  2. Oooh, a movie script sounds so cool!!!!!
    And I can't wait for that post about Avary. (:

    Love always,
