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Guess who finished a novel?

by - 8:39 PM

I did! :)

*bounces up and down*

Last night, just after 1 am, the first draft of Reese's Pieces was completed.

This is quoted from my post on NarniaWeb in the Writer's World thread...

And now...

Drumroll please...

I finished my novel.

At 1 a.m. last night, I penned the last word of the story I've been working on since August of last year. It's been seven months of blood, sweat, and tears. And a whole lot of laughs. (Okay, kidding on the blood, sweat, and tears part. Although I'm sure you can agree that writing is hard work. )

It's kind of weird - it didn't feel as amazing as I expected it to. While I love this story, it hasn't caused me a whole lot of trouble, and the whole writing process felt really easy. I have had so many other problems with my other stories that are all sitting around on my hard drive, and they're the cause of the blood, sweat, and tears. So I guess I didn't feel as... victorious as I expected to. I was excited, yes. But I expected to be a lot more so... I don't know, maybe jump around the room or something?

Something did change in me, though. It was at that moment that I felt like a true author. Before, I liked to say "oh yeah, I'm a writer," but didn't have any finished work to show for it. Yes, I know I'm not published yet, and yes, I have a long way to go still before I can be published, but there's something about finishing your first novel. Anyone with me on that?

It's true. I really do feel like a "real" author. I'm still in shock that I've finished a novel. I had kind of given up hope on me being able to finish any story, much less a novel, and yet here I am. Thank you, God!

So, here are some stats:

Title: Reese's Pieces
First word in the story: You.
Last word in the story: Lap.
Length: Two whole notebooks, 141 pages, and approximately 65,000 words.

And just because, would you like to see what my characters wear? :) Click on the link below it and you'll get to see them bigger.

So, are you a writer? If so, have you ever finished a novel? And if so, how did it make you feel? :)

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  1. Ahhh how awesome!!! That's so exciting! Congratulations, girl!!! :D

  2. That's great! I write a lot but I've never had the pleasure of finishing a novel...though I'm hoping to finish one this year (50,000 words so far).

  3. yayyy!! fantastic job! that is a big accomplishment, I'm so proud of you friend! :)
    the outfits have my vote...very cute =)

    I, on the other hand, do not write well. I see it more as a chore than fun. unless I do it by my choice. yes, I'm the first born and stubborn. sad but true ;P

    congrats once again!

    love your friend,

  4. Congrats my dear!!! That's so awesome...
    my turn! :D


  5. *cheers* Congratulations!

    *sigh* Finishing a story is so rewarding. I recently finished one that was pretty easy to write, and I'm almost done with the second book to it (not novel length though), and the whole process is a bit different for each one I guess. Some are "I can't believe it!" and others leave me staring at that last word thinking "It's really over?"

    Congrats again!

    ~ Chy

  6. YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! That's sooooooo exciting!! I'm so happy for you. Are you considering posting an excerpt or something?

    As for me, yeah, I've finished a book before. It was only 123 pages, I did it in August because I didn't have time for NaNo. I've done some others when I was little, it's fun to look back on them now!

    Congratulations! Give yourself a treat!


  7. *chants* publish the book publish the book publish the book!! Congratulations, Sky! Ohmylipsglossness that's such a great thing to be proud of. I finished all my ideas for my "14" novel, but I still have a LONG way to go before I finish it. I'm so glad you finished yours!! Yay! :))
    -Jocee <3

  8. *throws confetti in the air*

    YAYAY KYLIE!!!!!! It's so exciting that you finished the novel!!
    And ha, I adore all of your character's outfits. (: Totally something I could see myself wearing. Well, except for the guys'....'cause that would be weird. ;)


  9. That is so exciting. Could you maybe possibly send it to me for critique? I love reading what you write :)
