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{Day 27} And A Minorly New Design

by - 3:25 PM

Uh, well... I didn't MEAN to redo my blog template. But I did.

I didn't redo too much. I left the header the same; but redid the background and a couple other things.



So, what do you think? :) I like it... although I'm not sure I'm QUITE satisfied. I'm not sure if I like the sidebar titles or not. Your thoughts?

And now...

Day 27: A Physical Feature I Love

Well, I'm going to have to be unoriginal and say... I love eyes.

Whoops. Wrong picture.
Oops. Still not right.
That's NOT it.
Uh, well, that works...

Another thing I notice about people is their hands.

I don't know why, but I like looking at hands; they're all so different and unique, just like people.

Before I go, I have to link to a post that really made my day. Bleah is one of my favorite bloggers, and this post of hers was so beautiful and right on. Check it out: Learning to Fall.

I can't believe this is the last day of the challenge! I'll see you guys again tomorrow... for now, I'll just watch the snow swirl outside my window. Spring, when shall you arrive?

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  1. I'm totally LOVIN' your new background!!! It's very pretty. (:
    Ha, I think pretty much every blogger did eyes! So it's cool that you did hands as well.

    *sighs with you* Yes, when shall Spring come? I'm getting rather impatient!


  2. Your new background is very snazzy ;)
    And I love that cat picture! Ooooh la la

  3. Lovely new design, Sky! =D
    I love eyes--everyone has a unique pair. =)
    Oooh, hands. Another good one--especially if they have unique marks. Like where a pencil rubs on their finger, tan line from a ring, or calluses on their fingertips from playing guitar just to name a few. =D

  4. Love this design- the colors are great!
