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Hope {Day 28}

by - 9:32 PM

"For I know the plans I have for you... plans to give you a hope and a future."

-Jeremiah 29:11

I'm not sure what will happen after today. Life is always so unexpected. But I do know I have one thing no matter what: God. And because I have God, I'm not alone. I have a hope. A future.

And that's the best plan I have.

Other than that, I hope to spend time...

- playing guitar
- growing with my siblings
- catching up on school
- making more Polyvore sets
- finishing my novel(s)
- blogging
- living life
- loving God
- laughing

I want to thank you all for coming, following, commenting, and becoming my friends. My blog has been made better because of you, and I don't think I would've gotten this far without the blog challenge. So thank you. :)

And without further ado....

I'm done!!!

day 1: a favorite song.
day 2: a favorite movie.
day 3: a favorite book.
day 4: a favorite television program.
day 5: a favorite quote.
day 6: a moment you wish you could relive.
day 7: five things you couldn't possibly live without.
day 8: a thank you letter to someone who has changed your life.
day 9: a photo you took.
day 10: a photo of you taken over ten years ago.
day 11: a photo of you taken recently.
day 12: a song that you want played at your wedding(or was played).
day 13: a guilty pleasure.
day 14: a vacation you would like to take.
day 15: a person you admire.
day 16: a song that makes you cry.
day 17: an art piece.
day 18: a time when you felt passionate and alive.
day 19: a talent of yours.
day 20: a hobby of yours.
day 21: something you know you do differently than most people.
day 22: a website.
day 23: a way in which you want to be remembered.
day 24: a movie no one would expect you to love.
day 25: a recipe.
day 26: a childhood memory.
day 27: a physical feature you love.
day 28: hopes, dreams and plans you have for the next 365 days

So, it's over. I'm kind of sad about it too. Mom says I should come up with my own blogging challenge and do all new topics. If I did that, how many of you would be interested in participating? :)

Good night. :)

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  1. Love, love, *love* that verse. It is so encouraging to know that God is in control and He knows what He's doing--'cause I sure don't!

    Congrats on completing the challenge, Sky!

    Oo, I'd participate! --most likely...=D

  2. Hello!
    I've been reading your blog for a little while now (Yeah I'm one of those creepy secret watchers)and I was going to comment awhile ago but I never did. Anyhow this is the long and over do comment.
    I would be delighted to participate in a how many day challenge you make (I might miss a few days since I don't get on the computer on Sundays but I'll keep up somehow).
    Anyways have a nice day!

  3. I'd be kind of interested in participating! I don't know that I would manage it all the time, but I would definitely be interested. ;) I've been blogging strong for about a week now, but I just totally fizzled out...

  4. Hi Sky!

    I love the verse you picked, it was one of the memory verses for the kids in VBS last summer (of course they simplified it) and now I know it really well!
