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I'm... tired.

by - 9:29 PM

It's been a long day. My family was definitely under attack today. And I'm exhausted.

My chronic pain has been really bad this past week. I have something called TMJ which makes it hard to chew. So, I'm considering going on a diet of milkshakes and smoothies.

I didn't get much sleep last night due to nightmares about lions eating my head. No joke.

And I was really angry this evening because of everything. Everything was going wrong. Nothing was working out.

I know God is faithful. He's with me.

Now here's to a better day tomorrow! And three cheers for fragmented blog posts that make NO sense! :D

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  1. Ah, my dear sweet Sam girl. I'm sorry you're day was so filled with pain. Don't you just hate that? Psalm 103 has helped me a lot. Love you!

  2. Wow, ow! I hope you feel better, pain is not good!
    Have a better tomorrow :)

  3. I'll be praying for you, deary!! I know the feeling of having bad dreams. Last night I dreamed Aragorn was saying to Legolas "Legolas, what do your Elven eyes see?" and he saw Sauron's teeth. It replayed over....and over...and over...Oy. I need some tea.
    ANYWAY, you probably didn't need to hear that..today shall be a better day!
    -Jocee <3

  4. I'm sure that you'll have a much MUCH better day tomorrow! :) I'll be praying for you.

