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Beautiful People: Gavin Gray

by - 9:13 PM

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(Even if this is your first month doing Beautiful People, feel free to jump in at any time!)

For this month's Beautiful People, I considered using Ben Carter from Reese's Pieces, or Talryn from one of my fantasy novels. But then things changed. A couple of days ago, a character entered my mind, and refused to go away. So I slapped him together with Chasiel and Torin, who occupy my currently unnamed and partially started fantasy novel. Then I realized that I barely know him, so what better way to fix that than with Beautiful People?

Guys, meet Gavin Gray. (He goes by Gray, but the Gavin part just sounded awesome.)

1. What type of laugh does he/she have?
A loud, hearty one that comes about easily.

2. Who is his/her best friend?
He has lots of friends, but none that he can consider a best friend. (Eventually, my MC named Chasiel will become his best friend, methinks.)

3. What is his/her family like?
They live far away, if they're alive at all. They're very supportive, but Gray is at the age where he's out on his own, so he doesn't see them much.

4. Is he/she a Christian, or will he/she eventually find Jesus?
Gray is in a novel that's VERY much a work in progress, so I'm not sure if there is a God character. However, if there is, Gray will definitely come to find Him. :P

5. Does he/she believe in fairies?
In a way, yes.

6. Does he/she like hedgehogs?
I don't know if Gray has ever encountered one, but if he did, he'd probably laugh outright. :P

7. Favorite kind of weather?
Sunny and warm.

8. Does he/she have a good sense of humor? If so what kind? (Slapstick, wit, sarcasm, etc.?)
Man, I picked the best character to do for this. Gray has the BEST sense of humor. Everything is one big joke to him, and it takes a lot to get him down. He's very sarcastic and witty and can joke a little too much, but he laughs a lot.

9. How did he/she do in school, or any kind of education they might have had.
He was apprenticed by a blacksmith and did very well. He ended up working in the King's stables, and is one of the best blacksmiths in the land. I'd say he did pretty well, don't you? :P

10. Any strange hobbies?
Reading. He's unlike most men of that time period in that he reads avidly.

After answering all these questions, I feel like I know Gray so much better now, and I even came up with some of my plot for my novel. *grins mysteriously* Who knew Beautiful People could help me figure out my own character?

...Yeah, sometimes things still surprise me. :P

My dear Frodo bloggers. Hobbits characters really are amazing creatures. You can learn all there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundred years few days they can still surprise you.

(Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings movies, slightly edited. :P)

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  1. Wow... he sounds like I would love him to bits. I can't wait to read his story... when you actually write it. ;)

  2. Cool post!! And I love your new design!! Narnia is calling to me now...so I shall be off to the land of talking beasts and walking trees...*sigh* I can feel C.S. Lewis smiling down at us from Heaven...okay, maybe that was a little weird, but still!! Great post, I think I'm going to pull an all-nighter writing! :))
    -Jocee <3

  3. Hehe. I love the use of methinks. :) :)

  4. I dare say, Gavin Gray sounds like a wonderful character to come strolling unannounced into one's sitting-room. I'm fond of blacksmiths, though I couldn't tell you why (whitesmithing is neat too)though it may be because I have an affinity for horses, and I have nearly a horsefull of horseshoes lying about me. Hm! A very nice, honest occuption. I like Mr Gray.

    (I like your revision of Gandalf's remark. It is so very true.)

  5. Haha!! Nice job! Gray sounds really cool! :) I like it! And the fantasy novel sounds really awesome. Have fun writing it! ;)

  6. Awesome, Gray sounds like a great character - one that I'd love, because he sounds so lighthearted and fun! And yes, I'd say he did very well in his career. ;)

    Oh, and your revised Lord of the Rings quote is AMAZING. Perfect! I'm something of a LOTR fanatic. No, rephrase that - I AM a LOTR fanatic! I'm obsessed. As soon as I saw "Frodo" I suddenly thought YAY! LORD OF THE RINGS REMARK! ;D

  7. Hi Kylie!

    I don't know if you remember me..back in the good ol' HSB days, I was "Ariel." :o) Anyways~~I certainly remember you and your {huge} blog back then..I was an avid reader of your blog back then, though I didn't comment too often, and I am so glad to have discovered you are now on blogger! Yay! As am I..isn't it sad how HSB failed us all? *sobs*

    Anyways~~my real name is "Lucia.." I hope you don't mind me becoming a follower! <3 My blog address is:


    ..iffin' you'd care to stop by. ;)

    Blessings, friend!


  8. Hi Kylie!

    I don't know if you remember me..back in the good ol' HSB days, I was "Ariel." :o) Anyways~~I certainly remember you and your {huge} blog back then..I was an avid reader of your blog back then, though I didn't comment too often, and I am so glad to have discovered you are now on blogger! Yay! As am I..isn't it sad how HSB failed us all? *sobs*

    Anyways~~my real name is "Lucia.." I hope you don't mind me becoming a follower! <3 My blog address is:


    ..iffin' you'd care to stop by. ;)

    Blessings, friend!

