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Awkwardly Awesome

by - 8:46 PM


Tearing up listening to Damian McGinty's voice.

Twisting your ankle in front of a lady you know and starting to cry.

Using the Wii to swordfight to help you blow off some steam and ending up hurting your arm because you do it so much.

Wanting to write a blog post but not being able to because Blogger won't load.

Realizing you've had the same pair of flip-flops for four or five years and still wear them.

Also realizing you've had the same pair of monkey pajama pants for four or five years and still wear them.

Copying other bloggers' posts.

Realizing that your sunglasses have been on top of your head for the whole afternoon.

Walking outside just so you can see the yellow ice cream truck, then running back inside because you don't want the ice cream man to see you.

Not knowing where the awkward/awesome meme originated. (Someone? Help?)

Having a guy hold the door open for you at Chipotle.


Damian McGinty's voice. And Keith Harkin's voice.

Having a Saturday afternoon completely to yourself.

Spending time with your grandma and mom for Mother's Day.

Getting unexpected phone calls.

Writing like there's no tomorrow... and like your brain doesn't exist.

Chipotle. 'Nuff said.

Playing the longest game of GoFish ever with your sister.

Making sets on Polyvore.

This Polyvore set that is very, very Avary-ish.

Owl City. Again, 'nuff said.

Having inspiration return.

Watching your sister name her caterpillars Tracy, Annabelle, and Toby.

Laughing your head off at Ice Age 3.

Going barefoot because it's finally warm enough.

Wearing those same flip-flops you got four or five years ago to Chipotle.

Having a guy hold the door open for you at Chipotle.

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  1. First of all, I love your monkey pajama pants. They rock. Second, I like it when guys hold doors for gals. It proves that chivalry isn't totally dead.

    This post was awesome in itself.

  2. Awesome. :) I loved it.
    Owl City. AWESOME!
    Great post!!!!! :D

  3. Damian McGinty!!! *Gasp*....*faints*....Oh sorry, I've just been one of his biggest fan since I was 11:) He's so awesome...and cute!:D

    Love this post!

  4. epic post!!!! And hey, copying is great.....I DO IT ALL THE TIME!!!! besides, it's rather flattering. (:

    love ya,
