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Beautiful People - May/June Edition

by - 9:08 PM

Well, folks, it's that time again! The time where we ask you questions about your beautiful people - your characters - and you get to answer.

If you have no idea what I'm talking about... well, that's okay! For all the details, check out this post.

In her post, Georgie made some good points that I've been meaning to make as well, so I'm just going to echo them. Firstly, if you don't know the answer to a question, think about it. That's what these questions are made for: to make you think and develop your character better. Secondly, if you are a fantasy writer and a particular question doesn't exactly fit a particular setting, try to adapt it so it will. Again, these questions are supposed to be challenging! :D

Speaking of questions, this month's questions were submitted by Lily, Inna, and iGirl. Thanks so much! :D

1. What type of laugh does he/she have?
2. Who is his/her best friend?
3. What is his/her family like?
4. Is he/she a Christian, or will he/she eventually find Jesus?
5. Does he/she believe in fairies?
6. Does he/she like hedgehogs?
7. Favorite kind of weather?
8. Does he/she have a good sense of humor? If so what kind? (Slapstick, wit, sarcasm, etc.?)
9. How did he/she do in school, or any kind of education they might have had.
10. Any strange hobbies?

Ready, set, post! (And don't forget to sign the linky!) My post will be up later this week. :)

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