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In Which I Find Flynn

by - 1:30 PM

It's no secret that I love Tangled. Frying pans are my preferred weapon of choice, and I'm a lot like Rapunzel. I'm a fan of a lot of things (and some of them I love more than Tangled, sadly) but for some reason, Tangled is just what people think of when they think of me. I've sort of become notorious for it. Which is why it's no surprise that Flynn Rider was one of my birthday gifts from a friend.

Thank you again for the gift, Tess! You rock.

Flynn, meet Blog World. Blog World, meet Flynn.

I know not who you are, 
nor how I came to find you, 
but may I just say... Hi.

I've finally found the Flynn to my Rapunzel. And so, armed with my frying pan and my stuffed Flynn, I'm going to take on the world. Care to join me?

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  1. Aaaaah, I LOVE Tangled! Heehee, your little Flynn is very cute ... can I join you on your adventures? I don't have a saucepan... But you have my sword ;)

  2. LOVE Flynn! And love the Flynn quote....and everythingn else about him. :P My mom just bought a cast iron skillet...perhaps I can use that. :P That would easily kill someone. XD

    Love your reply to Charley. ;)

    1. Flynn. Is. Epic. 'Nuff said. If you like him, then you obviously have good taste. ;)

      Cast iron skillets work just as well, and you're more than welcome to join us. In fact, I hate to say that something is better than a frying pan, but I think skillets would be even more effective. Kind of scary to think about, in a way. O.o Betcha didn't know you had weapons in your kitchen, eh? :P

      Thanks. ;) Quoting LotR = always classic.

  3. Hmm. Orcs. Interesting, considering I was going to hunt them in my last post about Aragorn. No matter, though. They're welcome so long as they behave. ;)
