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Beautiful People - April Edition

by - 8:10 PM

Unfortunately, Beautiful People is a bit late this month. Quite a bit of things have been preventing us from posting BP on time, including but not limited to: procrastination (on my part), new and existing commitments, and life in general.

But better late than never, as it is always said. And so it is my pleasure to present to you 10 more marvelous questions for your perusal.

But first, let us refresh ourselves on the basics. Beautiful People is a monthly blog-thing started by Georgie Penn and I. The purpose? To help you get to know your characters. If you'd like to know more, check out the very first post and the FAQ.

We've tried to make these questions neutral so you can use them regardless of genre. However, if you do write fantasy or sci/fi, try to adapt them so that they do fit your genre, or pose the question as if your character was in a modern world.

Thanks to Mime for submitting the first question! As for the rest of them, let's just say that a braindead Sky + braindead Georgie = the most interesting and random round of questions ever.

1. What is their favourite type of shoes?
2. Do they journal? 
3. What’s their favorite animal? 
4. What does their average day look like?
5. Night owl or morning person? (Optional: What time do they usually wake up? Go to bed?) 
6. Do they have a sweet tooth? 
7. What colors are their bedroom? 
8. Can they cook? 
9. What is their favorite household chore? 
10. Favorite kind of tea?

 As always, have fun! And don't forget to sign the linky below.

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  1. It's okay if I wait till Wedensday right? And if I did March's questions (In April) should I go back and add a link to March's Beautiful People?

    (Don't mind me I'm just the curious Late commer)

    :} Cathryn

  2. Sky, I was wondering if it would be okay for me to do a mix-up of the previous Beautiful People questions with this one, since I've been late to post and link your previous one on my blog, but have been working slowly on it ;p. I'd like to do this one, but I feel the previous one just would work so much better with the characters I'd like to do for an interview, seeing they are aristocratic Romans from long ago and wouldn't naturally cook or do household chores!! So would it be okay if I did the interview for the previous Beautiful People and link it here?

    (I might still sometime do another Beautiful People post, using a slave :D... )

    ~Joy @ joy-live4jesus.blogspot.com

    1. Yes, Joy, that's totally fine! :D I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, it's been a crazy week.

      Ooh, a slave. Sounds like an extremely fascinating character. :D I have yet to write a slave, though I'm sure I shall eventually. I can't wait to hear more about yours!

  3. Sure, we'd love it if you'd submit questions! You can either leave them in the comments section, or send me an email: mountainfireflower [at] gmail [dot] com. :) Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  4. I'm glad you've found them helpful! So've I. I'm planning for Camp NaNo and I've used some of the past questions to help me with character development. It's amazing how helpful it can be to interrogate your characters. XD

    Ah, I'm so glad I'm not the only one with difficult novels. -.- I've been struggling for one of my novels (you may know it as Avary's story) for about two years. I had planned to write that for Camp NaNo, but then another idea crept in and this second idea been coming much easier. I guess it's not time to write Avary's story, but still, I wish novel-plotting wasn't so hard. :P
