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Oh boy, I've been tagged...

by - 4:55 PM

I was tagged by alaska0girl, and I decided to give it a try:

Q1: What color is your hair? I don't give that info out online, either
Q2: What was the movie you last watched in the theatres? Cars
Q3: What type(s) of music are you into? Christian
Q4: Name 5 of your fav. bands: I don't have 5, but I like Michael W. Smith and Twila Paris
Q5: What's the last book you've read? a biography on Francis Scott Key
Q6: What's your fav. book? The Silver Chair by C. S. Lewis
Q7: What is your dream car? whoa, that's 6 yrs. away, dude!
Q8: What is the last thing you ate? spaghetti

I tag:

Also, if any of you want to see a picture of me, go to my Dad's blog. He is on my friends list as SteveWalden.

B4N (Bye For Now),

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