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Beautiful People: 2016 Writerly Goals & Resolutions

by - 2:00 AM

Welcome back to Beautiful People, my blog link-up with Cait. This month we decided to embrace the new year and talk about our writing goals for this year!

I know a lot of you have already written about it, like I have, so we've tried to make our questions as in-depth as possible in order to prompt more thought and discussion. We'd love for you to join us!

But first, you might be wondering...

What is Beautiful People?
Beautiful People is a blog meme hosted by myself and the ever-awesome Cait @ Paper Fury. Every month, we post ten questions to help you get to know your characters better. They can be elusive and enigmatic, but we hope every question we post brings you closer to the answers about your wonderful beautiful people (your characters). 

How do I join?
Just jump in! Snag the questions, post them on your blog, and come back to add your link! I also recommend checking out the posts of the other participants. It's a great way to make new friends.

Please also give Cait and I a link back--whether through a regular link, or these shiny blog buttons:

You can also check out our archive and our FAQ.

I just wanted to give a quick shoutout and thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who link up with us! It means so much to me that Beautiful People is still going, especially since it was created in 2011. As Cait said, we both care about this little link-up, and it wouldn't be successful at all if not for you guys. So THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Okay, now it's time for the questions!

  1. What were your writing achievements last year?
  2. Tell us about your top priority writing project for this year?
  3. List 5 areas you’d like to work the hardest to improve this year.
  4. Are you participating in any writing challenges?
  5. What's your critique partner/beta reader situation like and do you have plans to expand this year?
  6. Do you have plans to read any writer-related books this year? Or are there specific books you want to read for research?
  7. Pick one character you want to get to know better, and how are you going to achieve this?
  8. Do you plan to edit or query, and what’s your plan of attack?
  9. Toni Morrison once said, “If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.” What are the books that you want to see more of, and what “holes” do you think need filling in the literary world?
  10. What do you hope to have achieved by the end of 2016?
So what's up with you in your writerly lives? What WIP are you currently working on? Let me know in the comments!

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  1. Great questions as usual! I can't wait to do this. Your blog looks great by the way. I love your my writing page.

  2. Ah, I LOVE these questions! I've decided to add do Beauftiful People every month to my list of new years resolutions as I usually only link once in a while. Can't wait to do this!

    My writerly life? Let's say it's making my writerly-self go crazy with sleep deprevation. In other words, I'm editing. You? =)

    1. That's so awesome! I can't wait to read your posts. I love that BP made it onto your list of New Year's Resolutions. XD What an honor!

      I'm trying to write a page in my WIP (Spaceboy) every day! It's going pretty well so far, though I need to catch up. :) I wish you SO much luck with editing!

  3. Awesome questions! I had so much fun answering them. :)
