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20 Semi-Cool Facts About Me + 8 Years Blogging

by - 6:55 PM

As of today, I have been blogging for... holy crap. Eight years. I started at the wee age of 10, and I just haven't stopped.

This blog has taken many forms, from the now defunct HomeschoolBlogger to here, and I'm thankful for the outlet! I, however, feel bad sometimes that I don't do many posts about my life or myself, instead of my writing all the time. (Though let's face it, I adore my books and posting about them, so there's that.) But, yesterday I read Cait's post on Notebook Sisters, 20 Things You May Not Know About Me, and I thought, how genius! I must do that!

Despite not being tagged, I have snagged the tag (heh) and I'm using it now on my own blog. Whether you've been with me since day one like I know some of you have, or you're new, this should be helpful and informative on all accounts. So here we go! 20 semi-cool facts about me.

1. How tall are you?
I am short. Like, 5'1-1/2" short. If I've ever told you I'm 5'2", it's because I round up. Don't tell anyone.

I stopped growing around 12 or 13. Whenever I go to the doctor, he tells me, "Nope, still haven't grown." Okay. Yep. Thanks. No kidding!

Here, on the left, is a picture of me and my siblings last Christmas, which still doesn't convey my true height challenges. My brother has grown since then, and my sister is my height by now. It is quite lamentable.

This problem is only exacerbated by the clothes I wear. Up in the picture on the right, you can see it. Why must a shirt cover half my body? Why?!?

Truth be told, being short does have its disadvantages, but most of the time I do rather like being small!

2. Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?
I can roll my R's. Pretty great, huh? (It makes certain members of my family jealous.)

3. What's your biggest blog related pet peeve?
I'm going to have to echo Cait and say bad blog designs. But sparse posts (or worse, NO POSTS AT ALL *gasp*) are pretty sad too. (I'm one to talk, though, as I've taken so many long blogging hiatuses. So no judgment here. I mostly mean I miss my favorite bloggers when they're not around!)

4. What's your biggest non-blog related peeve?
...Do I have to pick one? I'm afraid I have too many! I'm going to have to be cliche and fall back on the old people-not-following-the-rules-of-the-road trick. When I started reading my driver's manual, I realized how many mistakes I had been missing to point out. Now I just sit there in mild bliss and some irritation.

That's not my biggest pet peeve, though, and I'd have to echo Cait in saying sometimes I get annoyed with general human nature. I love people, but sometimes I don't, which I think is something we can all relate to. And sometimes I go into Nick-Miller-hermit mode.

Also, another pet peeve is being confused. I dislike being confused. This can arise in many situations, I assure you. That's one big pet peeve that causes a bunch of other little ones.

5. What's your favourite song?
Wake Me Up by Avicii! 

6. What's your favourite etsy store that isn't yours?
I don't have an Etsy store, but what I do have is serious Etsy-envy. Seriously, I've spent many hours drooling on that site. I have a bunch of random favorited items, but the most awesome shop among them is ImpressedArt. Seriously, beautiful, right?!

I'm also a fan of the place I bought my fake nose ring from -- here.

7. What's your favourite way to spend your free time when you're alone?
Reading! Writing! Using the internet! But mostly, using the internet. I could live on the internet. Sometimes I do. Oh! And watching TV is pretty darn cool too.

8. What's your favourite junk food?
PIIIIIZZZZAAAAAA. Did I mention pizza?

9. Do you have a pet?
I do! I have three mischief makers--two cats, Tuxedo and Chessie, and a labrador, Ace. They're ridiculous and get into trouble constantly, but I love them.

10. What is your top favourite non-fiction and fiction book?
Non-fiction... tha'ts a hard one. Probably The Art of Writing for Writers by James Scott Bell, or his other book about Plot and Structure. They're invaluable writing resources.

For fiction, The Great Gatsby. The imagery, the relatability, the characters, that TWIST ENDING? It's everything and more. I love it so much.

11. What's your favourite beauty product?
Mascara. But I hardly ever wear it, just saying. Oh! Can I also add silver eye shadow? It makes me feel ~magical.~

12. When were you last embarrassed? What happened?
Honestly, probably the last time I made a typo. I type far too fast.

13. If you could only drink one beverage (besides water) for the rest of your life, what would it be?
COFFEE. Hands down. (Assuming there were no consequences, like caffeine overloads for example.)

(Have you heard the saying, "if you want to know what someone fears losing, look at what they photograph?" Yeah. Apparently it's coffee for me.)

14. What's your favourite movie?
Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. I think that movie kind of changed my life. (It's closely followed by The Avengers and Iron Man and... you know. Every single other one of those movies. I am indeed a hardcore Marvel girl. ♥ Nothing compares.)

15. What were you in highschool? (Prom queen, nerd, cheerleader, jock, band geek, valedictorian, loner, artist, prep, etc.?)
Is this a thing in homeschooling? I was probably that kid who was in the spelling bees and always corrected people on their grammar or something. So maybe a nerd? Who are we kidding, I'm still a nerd!

16. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Or here. Here is good, too. I do love Colorado.
But in fictional worlds, can I say Narnia, Middle-Earth, Locksley from BBC's Robin Hood, or Stark Tower?

17. PC or Mac?
PC, but pro-tip: Apple and Windows are not the most compatible thing ever. Offloading photos is a pain. (Any tips?)

18. Last romantic gesture from a crush, date, boy/girlfriend, spouse?
I found some beautiful pictures of Sebsastian Stan the other day and an interview of Robert Downey Jr. yesterday, so that's really sweet of them to... you know. Exist.

I also had a lovely date with Pizza on Thursday. It was quite nice. I think this prosperous relationship shall continue.

19. Favourite celebrity?
Just one?!? You're killing me here. Right now, it's Sebastian Stan, but RDJ ALWAYS ranks high on my list. Dylan O'Brien, the ENTIRE Marvel cast, Emma Stone, Zooey Deschanel, everything... all of them.

(All the people in this picture, basically. And yes, I did just make up an excuse to use both a Sebastian Stan gif and a picture of the Avengers Cast in this post. You're welcome, fellow fangirls. You are welcome.)

20. What blogger do you secretly want to be best friends with?
Lauren Dubinsky. She's cool.

I tag: Whoever on earth would like to be tagged! Seriously. Take this tag and run. Go for it. I shall be waiting.

Thank you, friends, for making not only my entire blogging experience great, but for making this year one of the best blogging years I've ever had. You, my blog readers, are what keeps me going. It's been an honor to be here, and I look forward to many, many more years. You're awesome--thank you.

P.S. -- I know, I know. Beautiful People is supposed to be up today. And I apologize. But when you see what diabolical schemes cool things Cait and I are planning, I think you'll forgive me. Stay tuned for a surprise on the 9th!

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  1. I love your list. It made me laugh. :)

    Wake Me Up! I love that song. It's probably stuck in my head every other day (honestly, more like every other hour, but don't tell anyone that).

    Typos are always embarrassing. Especially when you can't edit a post after noticing the typo. . . and all the people you know are aware that you are an English freak and suffer under your constant grammar corrections. It's not poetic justice; it's ungrammatical justice. :P *hides face in shame*

    The picture of the Avenger cast. Hemsworth's grin- he doesn't look Thor, when he's just being himself. That's awesome.

  2. Hello, I heard that someone else cries over Sebastian Stan and Bucky Barnes and I am here to befriend you. :) ;)
