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Writing Exercise: What's on Your Character's Bucket List?

by - 9:30 AM

Dreams. We all have them, and I'm pretty darn sure our characters do too. When writing with one of my friends, one of the characters asked his friends what they wanted to do with their lives, and whether there was anything they'd wanted to do since they were little.

One of my characters, Eli, wants to put a lock on the Love Lock bridge in Paris.

(I don't know if this is the Love Lock bridge. My point still stands.)

I thought this was a really interesting question, and it got the wheels in my head turning. (Thank you so much for that, Caroline!) So, here's my question that I pose to you: what's one thing your character has always wanted to do? What's on your character's bucket list?

Just so you know, this is not a test -- it's more designed to get you thinking. I know some people aren't keen on bucket lists; if that's you, just try thinking about something they'd do if money and time allowed, or one of the things their soul wants more than anything else, or something they've wanted to do their whole lives. You can even do more than one character if you'd like. There are no right or wrong answers, but I do want to hear them! Tell me what you come up with in the comments!

(And, I suppose, if you'd like a bonus question after answering that one, you can tell me what's on your bucket list, too. ;))

*scheduled because of wisdom teeth recovery, ladedadeda, all that jazz. miss you lovely readers already!

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  1. One of my characters, Grace, has scarcely dared to dream of it, but someday she wishes she could have a big library, full of hundreds of books, like the rich people do.

  2. Logan (My MC) has always wanted to have a daughter. A close, loving family in general would be great, but especially a daughter.

    I want to have my books turned into (good) movies ^^ That would be crazy exciting =P
