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these are the days.

by - 8:33 PM

I'm plotting for Camp NaNo, as you know, and time is running out. So it was that I sat down at my computer with renewed fervor to attack the plot holes that are bothering me and never let them see the light of day. One of these said plot holes regards a character's death. This character dies before the events of the novel, but her death is incredibly influential to the plot and the characters. I knew she died, I just didn't know how. So I was talking to Fin, having a morbid conversation as we sometimes do, and she suggested poison.

This intrigued me. It seemed to have a lot of possibilities. So I opened a new tab and, blissfully unaware of what I was typing, started tapping away at the keyboard.

And then I stopped.

And stared.

And realized what a weird search term this was.

See for yourself.

These are the days where I feel awesome because I'm a writer.

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  1. Accidentally? That could be difficult. When I was a child and had to wake my mother up in the night to give me medicine, I was always a little apprehensive that she wasn't quite awake and might give me the wrong thing or too large a dosage. There's at least one idea. But that's a horrible thing to have happen. I have to poison someone purposefully. Two people, actually: bit of a tit-for-tat, as it were. Such fun.

    1. Oh, that's a great idea! Ironically, I also had the same fear, haha. I'm glad I'm not alone there.

      Yes, yes, I know. Poisoning someone accidentally is proving to be difficult. I'll figure it out, I'm sure. As morbid as it sounds, it can be fun to plot the demise of your characters and think of unique ways for them to die.

      Oh man, now I'm really saying strange things.

  2. Poison is always a very nice touch. I have a plot idea involving a missing queen, a mad king, a street thief and some very deadly poison.

    Authors really are scary people. Like discussing how you are going to kill a person. You sound like some kind of violent murderer, but really. Who wants to read a book where everything goes right and no one gets hurt?

    As for a way to poison accidentally, what about bad shellfish? Very nasty. Yet who'd know? (Especially if it's an old-fashioned/historical/medieval-fantasy book. These days, that might not work so well.) Hope that helped. ;)

    1. That sounds like an extremely interesting plot! That would be fun to read (and write, I'm sure).

      Ha, I know. We are so very scary. And you're so right! Who wants to read a book where nobody dies and everything's perfect? I sure don't. I mean, yes, those kinds of books are okay when I just want to relax and not think about anything. But when it comes to the kinds of books I love, I absolutely adore adventure, mystery, and intrigue.

      Ooh. Shellfish. That's a good one! This is a sci-fi novel, but I was actually thinking the poison could be related to food somehow. (Like mushrooms.) Shellfish would be a really good candidate as well; I like it a lot. Thanks so much for the suggestion!

  3. Ah, thank you, dear Tarissa! I'm glad I could make you laugh! That quote is hilarious, and so very true. XD It echoes my situation perfectly! Thank you so much for sharing and making me smile.

    And the same to you, my fellow scribe! :D
