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Beautiful People - Evil Edition

by - 10:34 AM

As you could probably tell from the title, this month's Beautiful People is focused on one of the key players in your story: Your villain.  

But first, what is Beautiful People? Beautiful People is a monthly blog event created by Georgie Penn and myself. It's designed to help you get to know more about your character by asking questions about them. It's simple: every month we post 10 questions, and you answer them on your blog with your character of choice. To learn more, check out the introductory post and the FAQ.

I'd like to give a shout out to Alexandra, who mentioned that she'd love to see a villainy version of BP. I'd already had the idea on my mind, but thank you, Alexandra, for giving me the extra push to do it!

Also, thanks to Finvarra Penn for helping us with some of these questions.

*said in a dramatic TV-announcers voice* And now... the moment you've all been waiting for...

Come on down, you're the next contestant on The Price is Right!

I kid, I kid.

This month's questions:

1. What is their motive? 
2. What are they prepared to do to get what they want? 
3. Are they evil to the core, or simply misunderstood? 
4. What was their past like? What about their childhood? Was there one defining moment that made them embrace their evil ways?
5. Now that they’re evil, have they turned their back on everyone, or is there still someone in their life that they care for? (Brother? Daughter? Love interest? Mother? Someone who is just as evil as they are?)
6. Do they like hugs?
7. Are they plagued by something? (Nightmares, terrible thoughts?) 
8. Who are they more similar to: Gollum or Maleficent?
9. If your villain could have their choice of transportation what would it be?
10. If you met your villain in the street, how afraid would you be? Are they evil enough to kill their creator?

And, the most important question of all: Does the dark side really have cookies?

Now go, tell us about your villain, my young padawans. And don't forget to sign the linky!

(It appears villains have taken over my blog this week. My latest antagonist, Zane, is quite pleased about this, albeit slightly unnerved & confused by all the attention he's getting. And all the hugs. O.o)

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  1. EVERYBODY!!!! I think this girl and myself would get along dashingly well. Have a Cookie dear?

  2. Zane: "AHHH! Oof! Ugh! What is it with you people and your hugs! I don't even like hugs!"

    Me: *smug grin* Uh-huh. Of course you don't.

    Zane: "But... thank you anyway. For the cookies. And... for the hug, I guess."

    Yay, Half-Pint! Can't wait to see your villainy post, and getting to know your evil dude for your latest novel! (It's rare that I get to meet your villains [except for Caius, and even then, he was created by both of us], so I'm stoked!)

  3. Oh, sweet, Cathryn! Lesser villains can sometimes be the most fun.

    Ahaha, I haven't heard that one. Nice. XD

  4. It would be positively treasounous if there were no cookies to be had! Just because we're evil doesn't mean we don't keep promises .... sometimes ;)

  5. Hey Ashley, thanks so much for the award! I'm honored. I don't usually do awards, but I might be able to find time for this one. We'll see. :)
