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My Invisible Valentine

by - 8:54 PM

Guys, meet my valentine.

Okay, okay, so... not really. Calm down, ladies. He's taken. By a pretty awesome elf lady.

Right. Anyway. Let's try this again. My valentine:

Meet Robin Hood. You may also recognize him as a fox or a variety of other faces.

Wait... what did you say? He's taken too?

Oh, of course. By Maid Marian. How could I forget?

Okay, fine. My real valentine... well, He's invisible. He also walks on water. And, well, I love Him a lot. 

And He might just look a little bit like Aragorn. Or maybe that's just me.

That awkward moment when you have a valentine... he's just invisible.
- my Twitter

P.S. - If you're looking for a humorous, slightly satirical view on Valentine's Day, here's your video.

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  1. Ahh, Viggo. If I didn't have a sweet boyfriend, I'd be wishing he was my Valentine, too!

  2. *dribbles all over her laptop at the pictures* Damn, why do all the adorable ones (both fictional and real) have to be taken! And your invisible valentine sounds pretty freakin' epic ... space for a wee third wheel over here? ;)

    As for Valentines Day ... bah! Everybody should treat their other halves' nicely every day, if you ask me. Though the occasional cute moment on special days is definitely encouraged. Not that I would know *facepalm*

    1. I ask myself that question all the time. ;) As for the third wheel thing, you're more than welcome. As far as I know, He takes more hearts everyday. :)

      Agreed. Not really sure what the point of Valentine's Day is anyway... :P

  3. How odd, I believe my valentine is just like yours! Does your valentine heal sick and injured bodies and hearts? And is he a prince on high? ;)

  4. Happy (late) Valentine's Day!

    (And isn't He the best valentine?)


  5. Ahaha =) Personally, I think you got the best Valentine ^^
    Although having Aragorn or Robin Hood as a Valentine would be awesome =D

  6. Hee, hee. Happy Valentine's Day, my dear. ^.^

    (And if you get the BBC Robin Hood, I get the BBC Arthur. Just sayin'.)

  7. Ahem. I believe you forgot a certain Mr. Swoosh? ;)

    And He's the best. The competition doesn't even come close. (No man on earth can give you a sunset for Valentine's like He can.)

    1. Oh man! I knew I was forgetting someone! XD Don't worry, Gwaine, you can be my valentine next year. :D

      Aw, that is so sweet, and so very true. I'm so thankful for Him... and His sunsets.

  8. Love this!! Your tweet is pretty sweet. :)

    Aaaand Messy Mondays? YES. Have you seen the homeschool one?? Best. Video. Ever.
