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Beautiful People - February Edition

by - 7:44 PM

Welcome back to the February edition of Beautiful People! Beautiful People is a monthly blog thing designed by Georgie Penn and I to help you get to know your characters. You can click here to read the first post, or click here to view the FAQ.

We've tried to keep these neutral so you can answer them regardless of genre. However, if you do write fantasy or sci/fi, try to adapt them so that they do fit your genre, or pose the question as if your character was in a modern world.

Oh, and feel free to submit your own questions as well. Just leave them in a comment on either my blog or Georgie's.

So, without further ado, here's the questions for this round of Beautiful People.

1. If your character could be played by any actor, who would it be?
2. Does your character have a specific theme song?
3. What’s their worst childhood memory?
4. If your character had a superpower, what would it be?
5. If your character crashed on an island with a bunch of other people, how would your character help the group survive?
6. Are they married? If not, do they someday wish to be?
7. What is a cause they would die for?
8. Would they rather die fighting valiantly, or quietly at home?
9. If someone walked up to them and told them they were the child of the prophecy, would they believe them?
10. Do they prefer the country or the city?

Don't forget to sign the Linky!

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