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Cats Love Us, Therefore We Must Love Them

by - 8:34 PM

(This post is meant to be read with a sophisticated British accent.)

I have two cats. Their names are Tuxedo and Chessie. However, Tuxedo is the one I'm going to be focusing on today, and he is affectionately known as Tux or Tuxy.

Tux is a Manx cat, which means, among other things, that he does not have a tail. We chose this breed of cat because they don't have the enzyme in their saliva that causes dander. (This arrangement is beneficial to my father, who is allergic to cats and consequently their dander.)

Up until this summer, Tuxedo was affectionately known as my "brother's" cat. Or rather, my brother was known as Tuxedo's person. Whenever Tux desired to be petted, or other such human companionship, my brother was the one he sought. This friendship was accepted and/or tolerated by either party.

However, things change. Furthermore, all things must come to an end. This thing came to an abrupt end this summer when my brother and I switched rooms. Actually, he moved to the basement, and I occupied his room. (I had formerly been rooming with my sister.)

It seems that, with the change of occupants in my brother's former room, Tux has become slightly confused. Somehow, he has managed to mix me up with my brother. Therefore, I am now Tux's person. Every time he desires love and attention, he comes to me.

This is a very annoying relationship.

But, I shall let you see for yourself by watching this video.

Dear Tuxedo,
I love you very much. However, it would please me greatly if you would stop taking over my desk as if you were the emperor of the world. Pretty please?

*whispers like a secret agent, then slams the phone shut* Kthanxbai.

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  1. Haha, I know exactly how that feels! When we used to have a desktop computer, our siamese was constantly walking in front of it and getting in our way! We didn't mind too much though. :)

  2. I LOVE Simon's cat! lol

    And I feel your kitty pain, Our orange Tabby, Morris, is the same! If you don't love him when he wants it, he bites.
