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to be fearless

by - 6:06 PM

I have some friends that really like Taylor Swift. And then some of my other friends aren't really fond of her music.

As for me, I remain kind of indifferent. I don't listen to country music a whole lot, but there are a couple songs or singers that catch my attention. (Josh Turner would be one example of this.)

I've listened to a little bit of Taylor's stuff and actually really liked it. My favorites are Love Story and You Belong With Me - because who doesn't love two songs about Romeo and Juliet, cheerleaders, and nerds?

But I digress. Whether you like Taylor Swift's music or not, I think she has gotten one thing completely right.


What comes to mind when you read that word? Taylor? That's right, it's one of her albums. I think it's one of the best album titles I've ever heard. Just that one word evokes so many vivid images.

Falling off a cliff into the unknown.
Diving deep into the lakes of Elyon.
Living life in vivid, passionate brushstrokes, engulfing your empty canvas in bright colors.
Throwing off the chains of sin and Satan and legalism... to be free.


Could it be that the words fearless and freedom are synonymous?

And then there is the opposite: Fear. It binds us - in so many ways and on so many levels. It shrouds our world in darkness, blinding us. It blinds and it binds. It leaves us believing there is no way out.

But the truth shall set you free...

Truth. It breaks down the walls and the lies. Fear is nothing but a lie. Satan wants us to get wrapped up in fear because when we fear, we are useless. We are trapped in our own walls of anxiety, unable to break down the door.

And then, there was light...

The way, the truth, and the life. He did not come to give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and a sound mind.

WHY are we so afraid? Afraid of what people think of us. Afraid of what God thinks of us. Afraid of His plan. Afraid that He's not strong enough. (Believe me, I'm preaching to the choir.)

Life is not about rules, fear, regulations, or laws. It's about Jesus.
Sweet Jesus.
He empowers us to be free.
With him, we can do all things...

Plunge off that cliff, wherever He's leading us.
Dive deep.
Paint from the depths of our soul.
Throw off the chains.
Be free.

To be free is my greatest wish.

Because to be free is to be fearless.

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  1. Taylor Swift is pretty good... her song, Change has been a SUPER inspiring song to me. :)

  2. So beautiful! I love everything about this :)
    And thanks so much for your sweet comment...I don't care if it was from a post that was a while ago, it made my day happier! :D
    ~Lauren :)

  3. love IS fearless...it has to be! As is our faith in Jesus Christ. :)

    I agree with you, concerning Taylor Swift. I like some of her songs, but I wouldn't consider myself a fan.

    I've missed commenting on your blog!! My computer was acting up, but it's all fixed...so now I'm back <3

    love always,
