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by - 7:55 PM

"Don't give up! God is still in the business of blessing His children."
-Sandra Byrd
It's been one of those weeks.

The ironic part is that it's barely even started yet. So, I guess I should just say it's been a harder day. Parts of it were amazing, and parts of it were hard. But I guess that's life, eh?

I really don't want to seem like I'm complaining - I'm just being honest. Life is hard... but it's also good.

In the midst of my morning routine, I checked my email and saw this article sent to me by my grandma. The quote really struck me. God is still in the business of blessing His children.

No, life is not perfect. Yes, life is hard.

But God loves His children. And even better than that, He loves blessing them.

He loves blessing us. In everything we do. Sometimes the blessings are little ones that we don't even see. Sometimes they're big ones. But all the while, He is blessing us.

It makes me excited to see how He blesses me. I don't know when He will, or how he will. But I do know one thing: He will.

If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! -Matthew 7:11

So, as hard as it is, I'm trying to be thankful for the good... and yes, even for the bad. As one of my dear friends says, "Glory in the struggles. We wouldn't grow without them." This is something I'm still working on. ;)

Could it be that our lives would be easier if we saw our struggles as a blessing?

It's funny how you find you enjoy your life when you're happy to be alive.
-Relient K

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  1. Profound. I have read about three posts like this this week and I appreciate all of them!

    If you haven't, you should read "Heaven is For Real" by Todd Burpo - especially chapter 19: Jesus REALLY loves the children. Colton keeps saying, "Daddy, Jesus said to tell you he REALLY loves the children."

    Isn't that beautiful? Thank you for posting about.

  2. Hi Sky,

    I like to think of Gods daily blessings as little packages of joy, I read recently on another girls blog how she loves to go through the day trying to find the little packages of joy that He leaves around for us.


  3. *sunny with a high of 75*
    or 56...but I get ya. ;)

    I know I find it hard to find the good things in a bad day....but God never fails to remind me how great/wonderful/caring He is.

