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ransomed for Love

by - 12:05 PM

He became sin, who knew no sin
That we might become His righteousness
He humbled himself and carried the cross

Love so amazing, love so amazing

Jesus Messiah, name above all names
Blessed redeemer, Emmanuel
The rescue for sinners, the ransom from Heaven
Jesus Messiah, Lord of all

Yesterday was a good Friday. Literally. And the magnitude of everything that happened on Easter really hit me hard.

I was ransomed by love. I was ransomed for love. So that I may love God and be loved in return.

Love so amazing...

If not for him, I wouldn't have love.

I wouldn't have light, or hope.

I wouldn't have Christ.

And the fact that I do have him, the fact that I'm ransomed for love, well...

That's something beautiful.

The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying:

“I have loved you with an everlasting love;
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
-Jeremiah 31:3

Happy Easter!

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