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Writing Tips?

by - 2:38 PM

I've been thinking about writing lately, which, for me, is kind of like thinking about breathing. :) One of the best things I've done is make myself JUST WRITE. It doesn't matter if my spelling and grammar stink or even if the writing makes sense. I can fix that later. It's all about getting the ideas out of my head and onto my paper.

I decided last night that while thinking about what you're going to write is good, if I don't stop thinking and actually WRITE it, it won't get written at all. Deciding to open a document and let my fingers on the keyboard and imagination go wild is one of the best things that I have done in my writing journey.

What about you? What are some things you've found helpful in your writing? What is one important piece of advice that you would want to pass on to other writers?

You know mine: JUST WRITE! :)

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  1. Heyy,

    Yeah, I know what you mean about just sitting down and beginning to write. The hardest part of writing for me is simply to make myself write. :)

    Most of my posts actually come from my prayer journal. I don`t really journal the way most people do, but write it to God, so it`s all a prayer. That way I see my life as a giant prayer, and if I`m doing something bad, would I really want to have to write that to God?

    So I take whatever I thought was interesting that I wrote and make it more readable and less poetic for my blog. :)

    That's what I do!


  2. Yes, I have found that has got to be the best writing tip ever. Have you ever thought about doing NaNoWriMo? That has made me start writing! :D

