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by - 7:21 PM

I have a question...

Is it possible to have life be completely insane, and yet feel like everything is the same as before, boring and lifeless?

Just wondering...

Maybe it's just burnout. Wouldn't surprise me. Going and going doesn't work so well. Unless you're the Energizer bunny. Which, you all know - I'm so far from being the Energizer bunny. Haha....

I need to write something worth reading, but what? All ideas are fleeting. Inspiration has run away and locked itself in a closet, yet my desire to write remains. What should I write? Suggestions would be most welcome. I feel pretty dry... like I'm stranded in the middle of a desert with no water. I'm sure you can agree that pretty much stinks. It's stinky. It's more than stinky. It's a dumpster. [Random!]

At least this is just a season. At least...I think it is. May is busy! Oy...when will things calm down?! I'm so tired! :P

My rant is over. We will now return to regularly-scheduled programming.

[Okay....this song is completely cute. I just had to say that.]

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  1. I think this is eternity - to know that no matter how much we do, how much time is spent doing what, there is still an unseen force that determines how much life is truly lived.

    I sound like an old dead philosopher.

    I love you.
