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Introducing A Novel Idea

by - 11:00 PM

As a writer, keeping inspiration going from week to week can be tough. My friend Ashley and I want to change that. The point of A Novel Idea is to get your writing juices flowing even when you don’t feel like writing. We also want it to help you dig deeper into what writing looks like for you and let you share it with the world. We’ll be posting installments weekly, all focused on four things: characters, your novel, you writing process, and writing prompts. Follow the weekly guidelines and post it on your blog, then link up with us! We’d love to hear from you each week.

This week, tell us about your writing style/what you like to write. Whether it’s POVs, genres, tenses, topics, or settings, tell us everything. This can be as deep or as simple as you want it to be--just have fun with it!

What novel are you working on this week?

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  1. This is a wonderful idea, and I love your new layout.

  2. I love this! It sounds like a really fun linkup. :)

  3. I'm in love with this idea! I will definitely try to link up as often as I can manage! =)
