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Beautiful People: Childhood Edition

by - 2:00 AM

Happy June, writerlings! It's almost summer, and I honestly can't believe it. Come back, 2016--where are you going? (Stop, I don't want to chase you, this isn't funny anymore.)

For your summer relaxation, we have prepared a list of Beautiful People questions focused on your character's childhood!

But first...

What is Beautiful People?
Beautiful People is a blog meme hosted by myself and the ever-awesome Cait @ Paper Fury. Every month, we post ten questions to help you get to know your characters better. They can be elusive and enigmatic, but we hope every question we post brings you closer to the answers about your wonderful beautiful people (your characters). 

How do I join?
Just jump in! Snag the questions, post them on your blog, and come back to add your link! I also recommend checking out the posts of the other participants. It's a great way to make new friends.

Please also give Cait and I a link back--whether through a regular link, or these shiny blog buttons:

And now for the questions!

  1. What is their first childhood memory?
  2. What were their best and worst childhood experiences?
  3. What was their childhood home like?
  4. What’s something that scared them as child?
  5. Who did they look up to most?
  6. Favourite and least favourite childhood foods?
  7. If they had their childhood again, would they change anything?
  8. What kind of child were they? Curious? Wild? Quiet? Devious?
  9. What was their relationship to their parents and siblings like?
  10. What did they want to be when they grew up, and what did they actually become?
Let's chat! What are your plans for this summer, writing or otherwise?

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