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Beautiful People: March Edition

by - 2:00 AM

Greetings, writerlings!

After three awesome months of Beautiful Books, a New Year's writing goals themed Beautiful People, and a Valentine's themed Beautiful People, I am here to announce that this Beautiful People is themed around... nothing. And I'm actually kind of excited about it!

While I really love doing themed BPs, I also love mixing it up and doing random questions. But first...

What is Beautiful People?
Beautiful People is a blog meme hosted by myself and the ever-awesome Cait @ Paper Fury. Every month, we post ten questions to help you get to know your characters better. They can be elusive and enigmatic, but we hope every question we post brings you closer to the answers about your wonderful beautiful people (your characters). 

How do I join?
Just jump in! Snag the questions, post them on your blog, and come back to add your link! I also recommend checking out the posts of the other participants. It's a great way to make new friends.

Please also give Cait and I a link back--whether through a regular link, or these shiny blog buttons:

Now go forth and answer the random questions!

  1. What first inspired this character? Is there a person/actor you based them off?
  2. Describe their daily routine.
  3. If they joined your local high school, what clique would they fit into?
  4. Write a list of things they merely tolerate. Ex: certain people, foods, circumstances in their lives...
  5. How do they react in awkward silences?
  6. Can they swim? If so, how did they learn? 
  7. What is one major event that helped shape who they are?
  8. What things do they value most in life?
  9. Do they believe in giving other people second chances? Do they have any trust issues?
  10. Your character is having a rough day...what things do they do to make them happy again? Is there anyone they talk/interact with to get in a better mood?

What's been going on in your life? How's your WIP? Here's a fun tag I saw on Twitter: describe your WIP in three words in the comments!

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  1. Yay! I'm writing the post on my blog now! These are amazing question, thank you so much! And also, my WIP in three words would have to be: Introverts. Zombies. Fandoms.
