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Beautiful People: Evyn

by - 12:37 PM

Once upon a time, there was a book I had about a bluegrass band in the south and the girl who became a part of their lives. This book, Evanescent Fireworks, has been around since 2013, but after many false starts, I've finally begun to write a draft of it that's actually working. To celebrate, I wanted to introduce you to my main character, my dear Evyn.

1. What first inspired this character? Is there a person/actor you based them off of?
Evyn first came to me via a pin on Pinterest. I don't really know how to describe it, but I saw her and I knew she needed to be a character. I pinned that pin to a board called "evanescent fireworks" on Pinterest, not really sure where it would go, but it soon became a story. It took me a while to name her, but I finally decided on "Evyn" because of the "Evan" in "Evanescent Fireworks." I know, I know. So subtle. I gave her the last name of Turnbow because of a birth announcement I saw on Pinterest with that last name. (It's weird to describe my naming process because it's completely random and unexpected.)

The picture that started it all.

For Evyn's personality, I actually gave her quite a few aspects of myself--the shyness and the social anxiety, which I both have. I used to be unable to even ask for more ketchup at fast food places... and that's Evyn. She is the twelve-year-old me, the me before I learned that talking to people doesn't have to be totally terrifying. She's one of my soul characters because of this, and I love her.

2. Describe their daily routine.
Evyn wakes up, does some schoolwork, then watches Netflix or reads. She's a super introverted person with severe social anxiety, so much of her time is spent alone escaping into other worlds.

3. If they joined your local high school, what clique would they fit into?
Sadly, Evyn would be one of those weird loner kids whom no one talks to. (Poor Evyn.)

4. Write a list of things they merely tolerate. Ex: certain people, foods, circumstances in their lives...
Her mom's unpredictability and her life circumstances in general. Evyn is pretty alone and has practically raised herself because her mom wasn't there for her growing up. She doesn't like this fact, but she does tolerate it, mostly because she can't imagine things being different.

5. How do they react in awkward silences?
Evyn reacts by keeping the awkward silence both awkward and silent. AKA, she doesn't do anything.

6. Can they swim? If so, how did they learn?
Evyn can doggy paddle, as taught to her by her half-sister and her half-sister's mom.

7. What is one major event that helped shape who they are?
Evyn's dad left when she was little, and she constantly struggles with the questions of why. It's helped shape her immensely, though not really in a great way.

8. What things do they value most in life?
Evyn values the few people in her life, as well as her personalized, decorated bedroom and her solitude.

9. Do they believe in giving other people second chances? Do they have any trust issues?
Evyn definitely has trust issues due to her dad leaving. She does believe in second chances, only because she's too scared of the alternative (which would mean being disloyal to someone and kicking them out of her life).

10. Your character is having a rough day...what things do they do to make them happy again? Is there anyone they talk/interact with to get in a better mood?
Evyn tries to escape via books and TV when she's having a rough day (which happens a lot). She doesn't choose to talk to anyone, but often the people closest to her can sense what's going on and try to cheer her up.

Did you do Beautiful People? If you haven't, link up here!

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  1. Even though things have gotten a little better, social anxiety is still a major thing for me. It DOES suck. :( I'm sorry. Sending you love. ♥
