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winner of The New Recruit giveaway

by - 1:47 PM

Thanks to everyone who entered The New Recruit giveaway on my blog! I’m here to announce who won. I tallied up all the entries and then, using random.org, discovered the winner…

*drumroll please*
Comment #22:
Ashley @ Cheery-O!

Congratulations, Ashley! Please email me at mountainfireflower [at] gmail [dot] com to claim your prize.

If you’d still like to obtain a copy of The New Recruit, check it out on Amazon! And don’t forget to thank the lovely Jill Williamson for offering to do this giveaway.

Thanks to all who entered! I enjoyed reading all your answers—and Jill Williamson did, too!

One last thing: If you’d like another chance to win, head on over to Go Teen Writers, where another copy is being given away.

{And may the odds be ever in your favor.}

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