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the NaNo diaries: week one

by - 9:25 PM

So I took some time to put together a "little" vlog for you guys and myself, as a recap of week one of NaNo. Here it is, in all its thirteen-minute glory.

And for those who have asked--YES. Absolutely add me on the NaNo site. My username is ScarlettGamgee. Though if you do add me I may have to ask you who you are if it isn't fairly obvious. :P


:: favorite NaNo memories ::

being nicknamed Gomer Pyle

going crazy in all caps

creating John, a secondary character for a friend. I wish he was real, guys. he's pretty much perfect.

having someone fangirl over Rane. that was pretty dang awesome.

having a good friend tell me she'll send me a box every time I finish a novel. 
whoa, really? that's pretty cool.

writing about rose petals today in one of the most heartbreaking scenes, ever. period. ♥

trying to brush my teeth while writing my novel. true story.

writing. writing. writing.

thinking of my novel. breathing my novel. living my novel. 
living in my own little world when the rest of my world can seem so dark.
using my writing to make sense of the world I live in.
remembering how much writing captures my soul.

it's pretty beautiful.

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  1. He's adorable...in a really...manly way...
    Haahaha, I love it.
    And the BBC RH Sheriff is possibly my favorite villain ever. So I'd probably love yours.

  2. 1. You did an awesome job with this vlog Sky! I can't wait for your next one. ;)
    2. Rane has another fan girl
    3. Robin Hood rocks and I am going to LOVE your villain.
    4. Everytime I come to your blog I drool over how pretty your designs are.

    My best friend always does nano and I'm always like "...I could never do it." xD I LOVE WRITING FOREVER buuuut I'm horrible at writing under pressure. I think. Baha
    Prayers that you feel better, girl!
    && Have fun writing!!
