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one thing you’ve learned about writing

by - 6:55 PM

I got some lovely comments on my vlog from yesterday (thank you!) so I decided to do another—a shorter one this time, heh.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, I still don't have a NaNo plot. It's coming together though. Verrry slowly.

In case you didn't watch the vlog, the question for this entry is: what's one thing you've learned about writing that has been the most valuable to you? (Or two things, or three. Whatevs.)

It's very hard to see the bracelet. Sorry. I forgot to mention what it actually is. I'm that tired, people.  One amazing week with a friend can do that to you. 

It's a feather bracelet though. It's got a silver feather on it and a leather cord, and it's awesome. I love it.

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  1. First off, LOVE the bracelet!

    Second. Oh goodness....(I'm also tired, but my achy self is hurting and won't let me sleep, pardon if I don't make any sense in this whole comment). What have I learned about writing that has been the most valuble to me...
    I think the biggest thing, is that nothing is junk. I'm always looking at my writing, and thinking, "This is crap. This isn't as good as Mirriam's". (yeah, I think that) "I'll just stop, start something new". But I've learned to keep writing. Even if it seems terrible. And to never throw any writing away.
    And that's about it. XD

  2. Would it be horrible if I gave two things I've learned most about writing? My overly indecisive mind just can't decide which to put. :x

    First, something I've really, really been learning lately is to not go overboard with too much detail at once. Usually my first chapters end up being more like encyclopedias then an interesting tale, and thus the readers will not want to keep reading like that. I've learned I need to weave the details here and there while also keeping to an exciting story that keeps readers interested. I still find myself putting too much detail at once, but I'm trying hard to get over that!

    Second, this kind of goes with Kendra's advice. Just as we should let the books make their own decisions, so should we let the characters do as they wish. I have many a fight with my charries, trying to make them something they're not. I've learned to just lean back, let them take my hand, and pull me along on a wild ride, letting them be whoever they wish and do whatever they want without forcing them. Because, as frustrating as they can be, the book ends up being so much better when you let them use their own minds. (Yes, my characters totally have their own minds. *cough*)

    I feel like I've cheated here. Sorry! Those are just the two biggest things I've been learning about writing as of late.
