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oh look, a vlog!

by - 3:49 PM

So, as some of you know, Georgie Penn came to visit me for a week. She leaves tomorrow, but we've had a great time and today we decided to record a vlog for you guys. We took some time to talk about NaNoWriMo--mostly about how we don't have a plot, but also about our NaNo experiences in previous years. It's 12 minutes long, just fyi. But it's 12 minutes of awesomeness, people.

Aaaand here is the update about Beautiful People you've all been waiting for...

One final announcement: I forgot to specify how long The New Recruit giveaway lasts. It'll end on November 1st, the same day NaNo starts, so if you haven't entered yet, go and do so now.

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  1. Yay! Beautiful People! I really do hope you guys host the linkup again. And a lot of fun listening to the vlogs. :)

  2. Ah, your vlog quality is so much better than mine! Hehe, I think I have camera envy. Great vlogs, by the way! So nice to put names to faces :)

  3. Awww! This was fun. I enjoyed it, guys! ^__^

    I always loved doing Beautiful People but gracious do I understand being too busy for it, so whatever you guys do I'm perfectly okay with.

    I'm still in shock NaNo is just in...4 days now? O_O I have an outline and everything but still...NaNo came SO FAST.

    Good luck to both of you!! <3
