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the giveaway is over... and other stuff

by - 8:55 PM

I was hoping to do a vlog, but the time got away from me and I didn't have a chance. However, Fin and Georgie did put a vlog together, so you should go watch it! I'm basically writing here to announce the same thing they did: The Author's Giveaway is officially over. We'll be announcing the winners someday very soon, so keep your eyes open for that!

And now I shall add a few random notes to make this post more interesting.

First of all... this video is wonderful.

On a writing-related note, I've been replotting Avary's story, and I'm coming up with some great ideas. So excited. I love writing (when my characters cooperate, that is).

And, lastly, I got a haircut. Just a little trim, really, but much of my evening consisted of wandering aimlessly around the mall. If you saw a girl looking slightly dazed carrying a "Keep Calm and Rock Out" notebook... yeah, that was probably me. ;)

(In addition to a haircut, I also got a Pinterest. Yup, I caved. And... I like it a lot. Find me here.)

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  1. Hey,

    It's iGirl here. I just wanted to let you know that I'm no longer blogging. I've enjoyed reading your posts and I'll miss you and your blog a lot. I'm sorry for the unfollow.

    Much Love,
