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Beautiful People - January Edition

by - 1:07 PM

Lots of you have asked if Beautiful People would be continuing this year, and the answer is yes! Georgie and I are really excited to start it up again.

Just a quick brush-up on the basics: Beautiful People is a blog meme for writers hosted by Georgie Penn and I. Basically, we post questions, and you answer them about your characters. It's designed to help you get to know your characters better and on a deeper level. (You can find out more by reading the introductory post and the FAQ.)

We've tried to keep these neutral so you can answer them regardless of genre. However, if you do write fantasy or sci/fi, try to adapt them so that they do fit your genre, or pose the question as if your character was in a modern world.

Oh, and feel free to submit your own questions as well. Just leave them in a comment on either my blog or Georgie's.

I'd like to thank The Director @ Castles, Quills, and Cameras. She suggested that we try writing up scenarios and then asking how your character would respond. Thanks so much, Teedee! ;) We loved your idea, and hopefully it'll help BP be even more interesting. :P

Here is this month's round of questions.

1. If your character’s house burned down, and they were left with nothing but the clothes on their back, what would they do? Where would they go?
2. Are they happy with where they are in life, or would they like to move on?
3. Are they well-paid?
4. Can they read?
5. What languages do they speak?
6. What is their biggest mistake?
7. What did they play with most as a child?
8. What are their thoughts on politics?
9. What is their expected life time?
10. If they were falsely accused of murder, what would they do? How would they react?

Also, there are only three more days to enter The Author's Giveaway! Some of you have been unable to comment on my blog because of technical reasons. If this is the case, and you wanted to enter the giveaway but couldn't, please send me an email (mountainfireflower [at] gmail [dot] com).

If you haven't entered yet, you can find out how by clicking here.

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