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the stable

by - 9:12 PM


God with us.

Why did he do this? Why? Why?

To be born in a stable.

The humblest of places.

No, seriously. Let me be as honest as I can. Stables are probably not your ideal place for a momentous event. [Would you get married in a stable? Not me.]

I've never been in a stable, but I can imagine it. Dung. Animals. Hay. Not exactly glamorous.

[I wonder how bad the risk of infection was for giving birth in a...stable. My inner germophobe cringes at the thought.]


Immanuel. God with us.

If you doubt that the love of Jesus surpasses all others, look at this. Look at his manger scene. See him laying in the hay?

So often we focus on the birth, but the reason Jesus came was for the death and the life after that.

He did this for you.

That is love. True love.

Immanuel. God with us.

“In our world too, a stable once had something inside it that was bigger than our whole world.”

- Queen Lucy, The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis.

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  1. that is officially my new favorite quote. of all time. forever and ever, amen.
    -jocee <3

  2. love this. love that narnia quote, so so much.
