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Beautiful People: Gesparo

by - 8:19 PM

I apologize for the delay in this post! I've been under the weather - literally - with a head cold and some achiness, plus good ol' procrastination.

Anyway, today I'd like to introduce the villain of Avary's story. His name is Gesparo, and he's my first "real" villain. Prepare to be amazed.

  1. What is their biggest accomplishment? His biggest accomplishment is overcoming the challenges of his childhood, namely being abandoned by his mother, and becoming the person he is today. Oh, and getting out of jail was a plus, too.
  2. What is one of their strongest childhood memories? He has lots. Gesparo's childhood was easily the hardest part of his life, and the most memorable. He was abandoned on the streets by his mother when he was seven, and he spent his time drifting from planet to planet, in an empty effort to find his true home.
  3. What is their favorite food? Escargot. (And no, I've never eaten it.)
  4. Do they believe in love at first sight? Gespardo? Ha! No. He doesn't believe in love at all... at least, that's what he'd like you to believe.
  5. What kind of home do they live in? A cave! Dark, dim, and dank. It's his evil LAIR. ... Okay, that's not true. He lives in an average-size house, something that you'd never suspect was hiding the greatest villain of the century.
  6. What do they like to wear? Clothes.
  7. What would they do if they discovered they were dying? He'd probably give up his current plan and turn to a plan that was faster and more effective. Like, explosives. That way he'd be able to take revenge on the world before he died.
  8. What kind of holidays, or traditions do they celebrate? His birthday. Other than that, not much.
  9. What do your other characters have to say about them? Well, considering he's the villain, the other characters aren't so fond of him... except for one person. Brian has actually looked past all the grime and evilness on the outside and seen the good part of Gesparo: his inner child.
  10. If they could change one thing in their world, what would it be? He would make it easier to control the things that happen to him, like pain and struggles. In fact, he'd eliminate them all together. Either that, or make the world suffer instead of him. Sounds like a happy guy, eh?
If you would like to participate this month's Beautiful People, click here! September's BP post will becoming up really soon. :)

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