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I'm The Kind of Girl Who...

by - 4:38 PM

I'm the kind of girl who...
... watches Merlin just so she can see this. (Thanks for inspiring my daily dose of fangirlishness, Lia. ;)

I'm the kind of girl who...

... stayed up till one o'clock last night reading her history book about past civilizations.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... has always wanted to go swimming/splashing around in a real-life fountain.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... rests assured 'cuz dreams don't turn to dust.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... went to the pet store with her family to get cat litter and walked out with a betta fish.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... carried a notebook into the mall and walked around scribbling ideas down into it the whole time.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... talks about fictional people 95% of the time.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... also sings and/or quotes movies 95% of the time.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... reads her history book in the summertime. For fun.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... purposefully did not ask her hairdresser to cut her bangs because she likes them long.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... never thought she'd wear her bangs long.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... writes blog posts like this one when she has nothing to do.

I'm the kind of girl who...

... is pretty sure this post makes no sense but clicks publish anyway.

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  1. Wow, Skylie dear. That sounds just like me. I've done nearly all of those. :)


  2. I love you :) You are awesome <3 Great post ;)
