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A Day In The Life Of An Editor

by - 8:04 PM

I've been privileged to edit 2 novels this summer. "Privileged", meaning, it's a lot to handle but I'm glad to do it anyway.

The only problem is, I've never edited a novel before in my life. In my life. And I have 16 days to edit 16 chapters & 85 pages, respectively, in order to get the aforementioned projects done by June 25th.

I'm not going to make excuses, but that's kind of why I've been a bit absent in the blogging world.

I'm editing both my novel, Reese's Pieces, and Georgie Penn's novel, The Way We Think, so that we can both get real proof copies of our novels by the end of June. It's pretty exciting, albeit kind of boggling in that I have no idea what I'm doing. I must be crazy. Yeah, that's it. I'm crazy.

Since yesterday, I've taken on an interesting lifestyle. It goes something like this:

  1. Wake up.
  2. Come downstairs and eat a bagel.
  3. Wait till naptime.
  4. Take a shower.
  5. Come downstairs.
  6. Help clean up the kitchen.
  7. Ask Mom if you can edit.
  8. Get on the computer.
  9. Procrastinate by getting on chat.
  10. Open a document.
  11. Start to edit.
  12. Chat some more.
  13. Get serious about editing.
  14. Finish a chapter of The Way We Think, aka Novel To Edit #1.
  15. Open the notebook of Reese's Pieces, aka Novel To Edit #2.
  16. Chat some more.
  17. Open the document for Novel To Edit #2.
  18. Type up some of Novel To Edit #2.
  19. Fret about how much my novel stinks.
  20. Get some dark chocolate.
  21. Feel better.
  22. Edit some more.
  23. Repeat.
Wish me luck!

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  1. Wow, it sounds like a great day to me! Especially the starting with a bagel part. **swoons**
