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"Take me as I am, I just want to be with You..."

by - 7:12 PM

on my mind: lots of things...like how kids say the funniest things, how amazing it is that God loves me, and my new pair of humongous sunglasses. :P

praying for: Noah, as well as some other requests.

what I want to do this week: Write a little more of the story I started last night, maybe do some creating, play my guitar, and enjoy my family.

song of the week: Take Me As I Am, by FM Static (the lyrics in my title is from that song. It's worth a listen.)

what God has been teaching me: to let Him handle my life and to trust Him completely. Believe me, it's not an easy lesson to learn.

random fact about me: I. Hate. Peas. They're disgusting.

quote of the week: "Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss.

these are a few of my favorite things...: rain, sunshine, music, and Sharpies.

looking forward to: babysitting some little boys this week, seeing my grandparents, and talking to my friends.

according to Him...: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

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  1. Thank you for praying for Noah. :-) *hugs* Hehe, I love that quote! :-D And the Bible verse. You don't like peas? :-O I sort of do. They're better than green beans. :-P

    *hugs* I love you, sweet Skylee! I loved chatting with you the other day. <3

