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The Dance

by - 3:44 PM

Life is so crazy.

Life is... life.

Thoughts are swirling around in my brain. I just honestly don't know what to say.

Life has been so crazy.

Life has been...life.

Life is life. God is good. Life is life, God is good. I need to remind myself of this...often.

Lately I've been feeling spiritually dry, and I've noticed that several other bloggers have, too. I was so surprised when I came across Abigail's post, Bekah's post, and Hannah's post, all in the same week, when I've been struggling with the same thing. God works in mysterious ways, no?

So, even now, a few weeks later, I still feel dry. But my viewpoint is a little different. One thing I really took away from the posts I linked above was that life is a dance. We're dancing in a field...with Jesus. With sunshine. With light. With love. Oh my goodness. The thought of it makes my heart want to sing.

Even though life won't necessarily stop, we can still slow down and remember. Remember that life is a dance. With Jesus. With love. Sometimes the music is slow, sometimes it's fast. Sometimes life goes past slowly, sometimes it's fast. But one thing never changes. We're still dancing...with Jesus. And as long as we remember that, we can always come back to Him, feeling safe in His arms as we continue the dance. A beautiful dance. Of light. Of love.

Even when the storm clouds come, we'll dance in the rain. We'll bask in the joy on sunshiny days. And Jesus will remain constant. Forever.

Jesus is waiting. Run to the field. Meet Him there. Join the dance.

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  1. Yes, my dear Kylie. Yes, yes, yes. Life is a DANCE! And we are dancing with Christ! What a GLORIOUS thought! :)

    Let's continue dancing, shall we?
