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The Beginning of the Challenge

by - 12:27 PM

Originally Posted on my HSB blog, on May 1, 2008, at 12:27 PM

For the 20 Day Prayer Challenge, I have decided to pray for Haiti and India. I know it is not required to pray for two, but I feel like I should pray for both of these countries. They are both really in need of some prayer.

I first thought of praying for Haiti, because we know of an orphanage over there. Also, I don't know much about Haiti, and I thought that it would be neat to learn about a different country.

But then I also thought of India. I think that India could use a lot of prayer, for many reasons. One of my main ones is because of the peoples' blindness to the truth. So, since I did not want to choose one over the other, I am going to pray for both.

Here are some things I am going to pray for, for both countries:

* Important events (wars; etc.)

* The country's leaders

* The people of Haiti & India

* The non-Christians & the deceived; that they would accept the truth

* The missionaries in those countries

* That Satan would not be allowed to influence and thwart the plans of God

* That the every day people would see and feel God’s love.

I think the biggest thing I feel led to pray for is the non-Christians and the deceived. I really have a heart for them. It is so sad how many people don't know the truth, or don't accept it. I am hoping that my prayers will make a difference in that area. I also especially want to pray that Satan would not be allowed to thwart or influence the plan of God.

My family is joining me, too. My dad is praying for the United Kingdom, my mom is praying for Iraq and also helping my sister pray for New Zealand, and my brother, TQ, is praying for Ireland and Israel. This morning we all gathered together and prayed for our countries, which was nice. My sister later said: "I'm going to pray for the baddest, troublest place to be gooder." ;)

Please sign the Mr. Linky with the link of the post and also with what country you are praying for along with your name. Thank you for joining us!

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