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A Time of Sadness

by - 7:57 PM

Originally Posted on my HSB blog, on May 12, 2008, at 7:57 PM

I would like to ask you to pray for two families who are doing with a lot of loss right now.

The first family is a friend of ours. They currently live across the country from us, but they used to live near us and are still good friends of ours. They were with us and supported us when we dealt with tragedy, and now it is really hard not to be near them to support them in theirs.

Last Friday their only son died. We are not sure of exact details, but it was after complications from a minor surgery. He was 6 months old. They have three girls, ages 7, 5, and 3, and they really loved their little brother. It hurts my heart to think of what they must be feeling right now. It was all extremely sudden, and all of us are still really in shock right now. We never got to meet the baby since they moved before he was born, but it is enough to know that they are grieving.

The next family is a blogger family some of you might know: Dixiecajuns, Dixiefiddler, Dixiebeauty, Ryansgirl, and LivingfortheKing. Sunday night their father & husband was killed in a car accident (more details are in this post). I do not personally know this family, but my heart goes out to them and grieves for them. Even if you don't know them, please stop by their blogs and tell them you are praying for them. I think they can really use your support.

Please keep both these families in your prayers. Right now, that's the best thing we can do: Pray, pray, pray. Praying is giving your requests to God and letting Him take care of the rest.

Thank you so much!

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