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Beautiful People: Parental Edition!

by - 2:00 AM

Better late than never, is what they always say, and I hold to that as we debut Beautiful People a teensy bit late. So sorry about that, guys! But we're here now, and we're ready to rock it.

I noticed while making this post that it was actually a year ago this month that Cait and I brought BP back, so that is AWESOME. 

Big thanks to literally everyone who has ever linked up and made this a big success! We could not do it without you.

And now, for the deeetails. *dramatic music plays*

What is Beautiful People?
Beautiful People is a blog meme hosted by myself and the ever-awesome Cait @ Paper Fury. Every month, we post ten questions to help you get to know your characters better. 

How do I join?
Just jump in! Snag the questions, post them on your blog, and come back to add your link! I also recommend checking out the posts of the other participants. It's a great way to make new friends.

Please also give Cait and I a link back--whether through a regular link, or these shiny blog buttons:

You can also check out our archive and our FAQ.

But enough dilly-dallying! Let's get to this month's questions! This time we're focusing on parental relationships. Now, don't worry--if you write a lot of orphans, as I do, then you're more than welcome to answer the questions about your character's guardian or mentor. Sound good? Good. Here are the questions:

1. Do they know both their biological parents? Why/why not?
2. Have they inherited any physical resemblances from their parents?
3. What's their parental figure(s) dress style? Add pictures if you like!
4. Do they share any personality traits with their parental figures? And which do they take after most?
5. Do they get on with their parental figure(s) or do they clash?
6. If they had to describe their parental figure(s) in one word, what would it be?
7. How has their parental figure(s) helped them most in their life?
8. What was their biggest fight with their parental figure(s)?
9. Tracing back the family tree, what nationalities are in their ancestry?

10. What’s their favourite memory with their parental figure(s)?

Don't forget to sign the linky!

In conclusion: it's summer, it's BP's anniversary, everything is awesome.

How are life and writing for you, bloglings? Tell me all.

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  1. Congratulations on the anniversary! Of course this means I shall have to enter, especially since this theme is PERFECT for the character I'm planning to showcase. *goes off to write post*

  2. Ahh! Happy anniversary! I've done BP for the past two months and found it immensely helpful, so I'll be trying my darnedest to get to it this time around as well. Also, the theme is A+ and I'M SO EXCITED.

  3. Would it be alright if I did this with my toys? I do not write,but I make pretty much makeup complete lives and personalities for them.


  4. I've only been doing these for a couple months, but I love them <3
    They helped me develop my characters so much. Happy Anniversary!

  5. This is a great set of beautiful people questions. I love stories that involve the parents :D
