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Beautiful People - June Edition

by - 4:39 PM

Beautiful People is a monthly blog event designed to help you get to know your characters, hosted by Georgie Penn and myself. Each month we post 10 questions for you to ask about your very own beautiful people. For more info, check out the first post and the FAQ.

 What's up with Beautiful People?

My apologies. With the dawning of early summer, both my life and Georgie's turned upside down. It's been a hectic ride lately, and as it often happens, BP got pushed to the back burner.

Because of this, Georgie and I would like to announce a break. We're not sure how long it will last, but we just need some time to relax, breathe some air, smell the flowers. Never fear, though! BP is here for this month, with some minor tweaks.

Instead of having us come up with the questions, we are leaving that privilege up to you. This month is a freewrite version, if you will. Come up with ten questions of your choosing, whichever ones you feel will help you characterize your beautiful person of choice. They can come from the recesses of your mind, or you can even pick and choose from the official BP archive. The point is to have fun with it and do whatever helps you, your characters, and your fabulous novel.

Here are this month's questions:


I couldn't resist. XD

And, don't forget to sign the linky. Even in the absence of formal questions, the linky is an ever-constant. Though the linky is usually left open for a month, I've left it open for two months due to the impending break.

Beautiful People will be back. Until then, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Love and hugs to you all! Remember: you are awesome.

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  1. I'll miss doing these link-ups!! (I hope your break isn't toooo long. ;P Though saying that, I do hope you have a refreshing break!) Thanks for hosting link-ups like this. We love it!


  2. Ah perfect opportunity for me to snatch up some questions I haven't used before do to my late arrival at this wonderful 'event' *grins*

    The hardest part will be - who do I use them for?

    :} Cathryn
