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A Novel, Part 2

by - 8:54 PM

Oh. My. Goodness.

I. Am. So. Stinking. Excited.

Ashley and I finished our novel. We finished it. In 51 days.

And the final wordcount is...72,926.

This was one of the best experiences of my life. I am really thrilled right now, in case you couldn't tell.

So, you may ask, now what?

Well... I'm not really sure, but I think I know. How about a break? A really nice, LONG break. Don't be surprised if I go AWOL (absent without leave). See you in a few months... ;)

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  1. Hi Kylie,
    I've known about you for a while, like through Bluejane & Ashley's blogs. Occasionally I come and browse around...anyways, I guess this is your main blog currently. I've been reading through several of your posts. I think this is so awesome that you and Ashley have finished your book and such a high word count!! (well, to me it seems high because the highest I've done is 45k--which is not even a novel! At the time that I wrote that story, I didn't know that I was 5k away from a novel :)

    Anyways, hopefully I'll be hanging around your blogs more often.
    Hope you have a peaceful Sunday.
    ~ Tarissa
