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Well, here I am!

by - 1:16 PM

Hi! I'm Kylie. I'm normally blogging on HomeSchoolBlogger.com, but I decided to start a blog here, since my HSB one is private and can't be read by blogger friends. I'll only have a few people allowed to read this though, so I don't expect much.

I'm a young girl that really does love Jesus! He is so special to me and I get tears in my eyes when I think of the great sacrifice he made so I could LIVE! I want everything I do & say to glorify Him.

As you probably see, I really do love the Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis. On HSB, I am known by Narniagirl, but I really wanted a different username that reflected why I love Narnia so much. "Follower of Aslan" comes from Prince Caspian, when Lucy sees Aslan but the others don't. I want to have the faith like hers to follow Aslan (aka Jesus in OUR world) wherever he takes me, and no matter what it costs.

This is a new opportunity for me... but I'm looking forward to it! I'll be posting several highlights from each month... so far I've got 2008 covered. I'm not sure if I'll do 2007 yet or not.

Stay tuned for more,

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